Cake with cream

Submitted by enr on 15 Nov 2008
# For the base:
1 egg
1 cup sugar
1 and 1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup sunflower oil
1 vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
# For the cream:
150 g of powdered sugar
100 g butter
4-5 tbsp milk
4 tbsp cocoa
Products for the base mix and stir. Divided into two and fired two the base. The cream is cooked, all the ingredients are mixed and broken. Once baked, the first base is placed in a pastry cutter and still warm watered with half cream. To be put on second base and he is smeared with remaining cream. On top can be decorations optional - I embellish with coconut. Sometimes in a mixture of the base put cocoa and so are two different the base. And walnuts can be placed. I like this cake because every time can you do differently to improve it. In this version it came up for the birthday of my mother.
0 users
15 Nov 2008


latter must not know syrup? Do not become dry?

if you can poleesh them with a little milk. generally do not become dry.