Cookie temptation

Submitted by enr on 04 Nov 2009
200 g tea biscuits
125 g butter
2-3 tbsp caramel topping (maybe a little more - according to taste)
7-8 walnuts
50 g raisins
essence optional
shapes for cookies or candy
Cookie temptation
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The butter mix with a mixer, add the caramel and stir well. Biscuits crushed or very finely or very large. Add to the caramel and the butter. The mixture is stirred, then add raisins and ground walnuts and if you wish you can add flavor to your liking. Mix everything well. Gingerbread shapes are filled with the mixture being pressed with a spoon to spread evenly. Trays are removed and finished cakes are stored in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes to harden the butter.
0 users
04 Nov 2009
transmission Fast, easy, tasty with Uti Bachvarov


Something interesting and fast! What are cookies - tea or plain?

Well then I used cookies *Everest* with oil.So with tea biscuits.Be sure to try it I'm just isomerization of what happened.Incredibly tasty.Uti Bachvarov today really shoot the bull's eye with this recipe.Accidentally watched it on TV and decided to try his recipe.

In the pictures even not so tight as quickly shoot and never waiting, but very tasty. Try it, you'll like it :)

Congratulations! It even reminds me a little of supplements *sweet sausage* :)

to think, and I have it, but the sausage was a little hard, this is something indescribably delicious .. straight is how my miracles were more of them. I 2-3 chki :)