Pie with meat and mashed potatoes

Submitted by enr on 17 Mar 2009
500 g minced meat,
1 bunch green onions
1 carrot
100 g and 100 g green peppers
300 g mushrooms
1 tsp savory
300 g tomatoes, peeled and cut into cubes
ready mashed potatoes
100 g cheese
1 tsp pepper
50 ml sunflower oil
30 g butter
3 tbsp parsley
Heat the oil in a pan, add chopped onion, grated carrot and peppers. All vegetables are fried until water evaporates. Add the minced meat, broken into small pieces, savory, black pepper and salt to taste. All stirring constantly, to not become big balls. When the mince is pozaparzhi add the cleaned and sliced ​​mushrooms and tomatoes. Allow the fire to thicken. In a baking dish, spread with butter put half the mashed potatoes on top pour mixture of minced meat and vegetables and finish again with mashed potatoes. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in preheated oven at 180C.
0 users
17 Mar 2009


This recipe I like going to Favorites Danny Bravo

Tasty sounds. And it is not difficult :)