White cream with cottage cheese

Submitted by enr on 07 May 2011
250 g demineralized cottage cheese or feta cheese Ricotta
150 ml cream
150 g strawberries
2 egg whites
1 lemon
100 g sugar
125 g powdered sugar
pinch of salt and a sprig of mint
White cream with cottage cheese
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Put the cottage cheese in gauze to drain for about two hours. Put it into a bowl with the lemon zest and add 100 g of sugar. Beat the cream of hard snow and add powdered sugar. Stir gently and mix it with the cottage cheese. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt, also on hard snow, and add them to the cottage cheese. Take four porcelain shapes type heart and cover them with plastic foil. Fill them well. Leave in the fridge for about four hours. Before serving, wash the strawberries, clean them and cut them in two but not to end so as to dissolve to get heart. With them and mint garnish removed from the trays scoured hearts.
0 users
07 May 2011
encyclopedia-il piacere del cioccolato (Deagostini)


I liked the recipe, easy and quick to make. When you mix cream and curds by hand you do or mixer?

Yeah, akva7 the addition of cream and egg whites into curd stir gently with a wooden spoon.