Krupuk - Asian shrimp chips

Submitted by enr on 12 Jan 2009
200 g of shrimp meat, washed and dried
250-300 g flour tapioca
pinch of salt
pinch of ground white pepper
sunflower oil for frying
Krupuk - Asian shrimp chips
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Meat shrimp grind until very smooth, homogeneous mixture. Salt, pepper and flour are added and stirred with the hand or with a wooden spoon until a fairly stiff dough. Divide by three and form rolls. How thick will depend on your preferences. Put in lightly oiled bowl. In a wide pan, which fits the plate, pouring water of about 3 cm. Put it something that can be put firmly plate. Water boils at a very high heat, put the lid. The rolls are cooked by steaming 40-45 minutes, and make up water which evaporates. The rolls should not be wet. After removing wrap in damp cloth, individually and put in the refrigerator or freezer until they are very cold. With a sharp knife, cut into very thin slices, which are dried in the sun or in the oven at the lowest temperature. So dried chips stored dry. Fry to desired quantities. If the cutting knife sticky, dip in cold water. The chips is completely dry when it breaks, rather than bend.
0 users
12 Jan 2009


It is very tasty. I ate at this Chinese restaurant in Spain. Now you will know how to make at home. Thanks for the recipe!