Chicken Mhammar, boiled and fried

Submitted by enr on 04 Jan 2009
2 chicks around 1.5 kg or about 3 kg chicken legs
coarse salt
3 onions
2 garlic cloves
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp saffron dust
1/4 tsp ground ginger
5 tbsp Gee or butter
8 tbsp peanut sunflower oil
Chicken Mhammar, boiled and fried
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Chickens are cleaned and any residues of feathers be properly removed (with tweezers). Rubbed with coarse salt and leave to stand for one hour. Onions and garlic finely. Then the chickens are washed very well, put in a large pot, put all spices, salt to taste, make 500 ml water and boil for about an hour - hour and a half. Turning from time to time and make hot water when needed. chicks taken out, allowed them to evaporate the water. Dovaryava sauce, until slightly thick and intense flavor. In a large skillet melt butter or Gee and add peanut sunflower oil. Cooked chicken fry on all sides until golden. Put in a warmed platter, pour the thickened sauce with cooked and served immediately. Serve with vegetables and couscous.
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04 Jan 2009