My moussaka

Submitted by enr on 09 Oct 2014
1/4 fresh cabbage
250 g mushrooms
1 carrot
1/2 cup rice
1 onion
2-3 cloves garlic
fresh or dry mint, parsley
4-5 potatoes
2 zucchini
2 eggplants
salt, paprika
# For topping:
Potatoes , courgettes and eggplants, cut into thin slices, dip both sides in sunflower oil, arranged in one or two trays and placed in the oven to constipation until soft and slightly pinkish. Meanwhile, prepare the filling: onions, cabbage, carrots and mushrooms finely and sauté in sunflower oil until completely soft, add salt, pepper and finally the rice. Make 1 and1 / 2 cup water, quickly replace the lid and boil until cooked rice. Add fresh or dried mint and parsley. Pulls from the fire and after the filling cool a bit, with grater grate the garlic cloves and the stuffing was capped again. baked zucchini, eggplant and potatoes are removed from the oven, leave to poizstinat and divided by type. Stuffing mix to take on the flavor of garlic. In an appropriate size pan rank order potatoes, stuffing, order zucchini stuffing order patlazhdani, stuffing and so until the products as above is completed as slices of grilled vegetables remained. Prepare the topping of egg, yogurt, salt, a little dry mint and a little flour, pour the dish and bake 30-35 minutes at 180C degrees or until ready - ie to pinking of topping. Serve after the dish has cooled down enough to not hot. To it can be added to yogurt or yogurt with garlic broken.
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09 Oct 2014