Normal pickle

Submitted by enr on 01 Dec 2002
10 kg peppers
3 kg tomatoes
2 kg carrots
celery 1 kg
1 kg onions
500 g garlic
2 kg cabbage
2 kg cauliflower
1 kg okra
1.4 kg salt
20 l water
Sweep and clean vegetable ranks in clean containers. Pour with boiling or cold brine, but in any case with lukewarm. Is pressed lattice (cross) and pure river stone and after the second day is decanted (drained the juice and pour again) every day for 2 weeks.Very tasty pickle if this becomes marinade by dashed 1-2 minutes in a marinade made from specified amounts of water and salt added 1.5 l of vinegar, 500 ml sunflower oil and spices - black pepper and bay leaf. Scalded vegetables to cool completely and ranks in the vessels. Pour marinade to cool completely and pressed.
0 users
01 Dec 2002


I have made only with green tomatoes, carrots and cauliflower. Stripping her every day and this brine really become something great. Evaluation six.

24 keel vegetable pickle and salt will reach two adults for the rest of our lives. Why not recipes for newlyweds and old people?

Dear Rafaeli, you newlyweds from you or old, or both? What if you want a small amount of 10 divide everything and here's 2.4 kg! The recipe is great and is designed to hold up to m. March next year, unless it is a family and rarely left it since January! Rating 6+! Tip: be careful with brandy!