Turkey with stuffing liver

Submitted by enr on 11 Dec 2005
1 young turkey
450 g veal liver
5-6 slices dry white bread
1 cup (200 ml) milk
100 g butter
5 eggs
1 bay leaf
The turkey is washed, dried and rubbed with salt. Calf liver washed, cleaned of membranes and blood vessels, cut into pieces and lightly fry in part of the butter, as is seasoned with salt, pepper and crushed bay leaf. After cooled down, was ground by a meat grinder, mixed with soaked in milk bread (crust is removed in advance) and milled again. To the mixture add 1 tbsp melted butter, beaten eggs, salt to taste more and mix everything well. The turkey is filled with this mixture, sewn with strong thread and put a chest up in a greased with butter tray. Pour 2-3 tbsp hot water or broth dish and bake in a preheated oven. When the turkey is browned slightly, the temperature is reduced and the bird periodically watered with the juice, in a separate tray. After about 2 hours the dish is ready. Baked turkey is released from the thread and put in a large serving plate and ranks around the stuffing and other toppings of your choice.
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11 Dec 2005