Spaghetti with minced meat and tomato sauce in the oven

Submitted by enr on 23 Sep 2008
250 g spaghetti
150-200 g minced meat
2 tbsp tomato paste, dissolved in 1/3 cup water or 100 g chutney
1 tsp savory, pepper and vegeta, 2 tbsp parsley
1 onion
150 g feta cheese
150 g cheese
50 g butter
2 tbsp sunflower oil
Spaghetti with minced meat and tomato sauce in the oven
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Boil pasta in salted water and drain. In a deep skillet stew chopped onions with the oil, vegetata and little water. Add the minced meat and when poizparzhi put tomato paste, dissolved in 1/3 cup water. Just before removing from the fire put savory, pepper and parsley. spaghetti put in the pan, sprinkle with crumbled feta cheese and pour in tomato sauce. All stir, sprinkle with grated cheese and top rank pieces butter. Put it to bake in preheated oven at 250 ° C until golden cheese. A small quirk - to make mincemeat of small grains January away with a little water in it to Fry.
5 users
23 Sep 2008


I added beef bouillon cube, dissolved in a little water, and garlic powder. Became very delicious spaghetti! Upload photos :)

I love this recipe, my friend is a chef and enlighten me on these wonderful spagetki necessarily put it in favorites :)

recipe is top !!

became very delicious. Only instead of cheese put cheese that Iceland does not always have at hand a white cheese. Spagetki wonderful! Thanks for the recipe!

Very tasty! Thanks for accurate and nice recipe!

became beautiful :)