Fish soup (Bouillabaisse) - I type

Submitted by enr on 30 Jul 2003
2 kg fresh fish, possibly different types
6 tbsp (60 ml) vegetable oil
2 onions
2 tomatoes
1-2 scallions
2 sticks thyme
5 sprigs of parsley
1 bay leaf
1-2 cloves garlic
dried orange peel
white wine
Fish are cleaned and washed, cut off heads, fins and tail ends of the (small fish only are cleaned and washed) and cut portions (it is desirable to debone). Coarsely chopped onion fry slightly in vegetable oil, add the chopped tomatoes, green onions, parsley, thyme, bay leaf, crushed garlic cloves and orange peel. All gently stew, then add fish tails, heads and fins and fish whose meat harder Boil (eel, turbot, etc.), add salt and cover with water. Soup should quickly boil and boil for 7-8 minutes on high heat. Then put the fish with soft meat (mackerel, etc.) and cook for another 7 minutes on high heat. Bouillabaisse boil no more than 15 minutes. Remove from heat, add a little white wine, seasoned with plenty of pepper and leave another 5 minutes on very low heat. Fish broth is strained and poured into dishes with toasted slices of white bread. The fish is served separately in preheated platter garnished with fresh parsley.
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30 Jul 2003