Dolmas lamb with leaves of sorrel

Submitted by enr on 02 May 2009
500 g boneless lamb or mutton
150 g rice
1 bunch green onions
1 tsp salt
1/4 connection mint
1/4 connection lovage
50 g raisins
pinch nutmeg
15 broad leaves of fresh rhubarb
400 ml liquid cooking cream
Lamb meat is chopped very finely (can be brave in the machine for meat). The rice soak in a bowl of water. Onions is cleaned of external feathers, roots and cut into very small pieces. In a wide-bottomed pan pour 3 tbsp oil. Sprinkle salt. Pour chopped onion, rice and minced meat (ground) meat. The Court put a stove included. Devesilat mint and cut very finely. Green spices to scatter on fried products. Add a pinch of nutmeg and raisins. Stir with a spatula and the court withdrew from the heat. The leaves of sorrel washed one by one. On leaf of sorrel put 1 tbsp of filling. Wind up dolma and ranks at the bottom of the stew. Pour water an inch below the level of the dolmas. Add 3 tbsp sunflower oil. The meal was capped. Bake at 200 C 50 minutes. Dolmaschki serving, pour the sauce from baking and cooking cream.
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02 May 2009
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