1 rabbit around 1.2 kg
250 g mushrooms
250 g canned whole tomatoes
1-2 peppers
2 carrots
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
salt (to taste)
2 tbsp paprika
pinch of sugar
2 tbsp vinegar
6-8 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp rosemary
2-3 sprigs of parsley

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Washed and cut into pieces and roll salted rabbit in red pepper and flour. In a heated pan with a little olive oil fry all the pieces until golden, turn them from time to time not to Zagora. Pay aside. In saucepan over medium low heat stew pre-cut onions and carrots sliced, and when soften add the mushrooms and olive oil, garlic cloves sliced and diced tomatoes, sugar, vinegar and rabbit meat. Dish let it boil 20 minutes on low heat, then add the roasted peppers cut into strips, parsley and in large pieces well mined rosemary. After another five minutes exclude from the heat and put the lid on the pan to smother. * If the rabbit is wild, pre-marinate in water, vinegar, bay leaf, black pepper. * Garnish with boiled rice.
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