5-6 tbsp (about 200 g) oat bran
4 eggs
500 ml water or soy milk
1 tbsp sugar
pinch of salt

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First whisk the eggs and sugar, then added oat bran, then water (milk) and finally the salt. Unlike ordinary pancakes these bake in a Teflon pan without oil, leaving about 10-12 pieces.
2 users
I do omelette with oatmeal, so roughly have an idea of what it is. I have bran and after the holidays and will try this recipe.
It is very nice and that can be garnished with sweet and salty is an advantage.
I also do omelette
See this is not actually an omelet, just dietary pancakes :)
made them for half sample products. The mixture should stand for some time in order to be able to swell the bran. Before each pouring into the pan must be very nice to mix, because the bran is utoyavat. I was not given without prior pan before baking each pancake / benefit Teflon pan /. Some of them spread with tahini and honey meadows, other filling was cheese. I like the taste, but next time I will try to bake in the oven. The quantity of oats should be corrected - 5-6 tablespoons about 80 - '90 So I put on half a dose.
I've done it several times and I agree with tillia for everything napisala- mixture should stand for some time to stir before each stroke to namaslyava pan. And I kolichestvoto- on them compete with the kitchen scale and certainly 200 grams. do not satisfy the 5-6 p. l. But the taste is great :)