chicken portions
12 roasted peppers
tomatoes - fresh or preserved
5-6 cloves garlic
1 large onion
1 tbsp red pepper
pepper, salt
fresh parsley

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Used 3 chicken thighs (top and bottom). Divided in two, sprinkled with salt and pepper, and choked them under cover. Then remove the lid and zaparzhih well as remain fat and acquire a nice red crust. I took them on a plate and in the same fat zaparzhih cut at in large pieces garlic for 5 minutes, I added onion, zaparzhih him until it becomes a nice caramel color. I added red pepper. To all this I added roasted, more coarsely chopped peppers (12 in total) to saute and finally 1 jar tomato sauce. I have not put water. Posolih and let the dish simmer on low heat until everything choke and the fat remains. At the end I returned the chicken and left to cook for another 5-10 minutes, enough to soften and absorb the flavor of the meal. After a slight cool narasih with plenty of parsley.
1 user
A very tasty dish with chicken, of those dishes that can be prepared throughout the year, regardless of the season! Gold appetizing his present it! :)
Thank tillia :)
I love buttercup, but I never make it with chicken. Go to favorites, thanks for the idea!