500 g soft palm oil or butter, or fine white lard
1 kg of powdered sugar, sifted 2 times
3 tbsp cream powder
150 ml milk, slightly hot down
a few drops ( flavor) optional

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Sifted powdered sugar 2 times. The milk is heated to hot down but not hot. In a bowl put the soft palm oil (if butter - room temperature, quite soft, the same goes for the lard). Add everything except sugar. Stir continuously for about 5 minutes, the most severe level, even at this stage to become air, velvety cream. Began to put sugar in portions. I use the machine for mixing and I easily put permanently on spoon spoon. If you work with a hand mixer and alone, and should not stop work to add sugar, divide it by at least 6-7 parts. After being added last sugar beat at a high level for 5 minutes. So the prepared cream to me is sufficient for rendering at least 5 cakes with a diameter of 26 cm and 8-9 cm high. I have split immediately after preparation of 4-5 portions and freeze them. In the freezer last at least three months. I've cream without cream powder, it is also very successful, not only where it can be injected, but I anyway do not use it for such purposes. Ready assembled, tight cake plastered so as to catch any imperfections - side often has indentations where the individual layers of the base. There easiest plastered bottom up, all holes are filled with cream. If the base is friable, first thinly plastered to stick together crumbs, leave for 20-30 minutes in the refrigerator, then putty for leveling unevenness. Finish plastered cake left about 30 minutes in the refrigerator to form a cream sugar crust. Then covered with fondant. The cream is also ideally suited for injection molding because it is gentle and stable. It is known as American buttercream.
4 users
I spent those old photos because if I had no new, second, that very well evident, how is smooth fondant when plastered with this cream. My pictures have been two years ago, when I made my first steps with cakes and despite all I can say is that clearly demonstrated how with quality recipes and the right materials is much easier to make beautiful, sophisticated cakes.
Ralitsa, can you tell me what that soft-palm oil, lest it is palm oil?
Yes, dear, palm oil in containers such as margarine, soft texture of soft butter nato. Snow is white. So explain in detail here because ordinary palm oil is sold strongly on some steaks. This is a soft consistency of soft butter. There are many advantages - first color, but it is a vegetable that makes the cream and more durable in the refrigerator for at least a month without a problem I held him and a friend says that three months is nothing he would not, but I'm not behaved so.
Great cake. Thank you. I use this recipe, but without cream powder. It never had a problem until now. Thank you.
I am very pleased with the recipe. Form a solid crust and next dress cake with fondant becomes much easier. I have tried it with butter and margarine. Aliana, this cake is my very favorite. It is very gentle and exquisitely made.
To all the girls who I had already given this recipe: pay attention to the changed weights / ratios. In the last two months so I'm doing it and I did not have time to send you an update. Previous was 320 g palm oil, 900 grams of sugar and 100 ml of warm milk. Cream powder I put only 1 or 2 times when you spray onto muffins, but according to my present cream is killer sweet and greasy, just no longer used it to decorate :) Americans somewhat disagree in this regard :) Otherwise, it is perfect cream - no settlement will move!
rally here this cream use it as between the latter must, and the decorations. All cakes kapkeykovete offered very heavy to taste. If Americans try your cakes will no longer think of those here :). Thanks for the recipe, I far more of an eye it was cooking (butter and sugar to taste I put), only prochetyah 1 kg of powdered sugar and I felt bad :). Only pad under fondant well. Next time I will use your recipe.
So nice explained recipe!
Awesome! Just such a glaze looking and came across this awesome recipe! I have a question - Are these products provide a light blue color or the picture look like? I guess the different colors are obtained from confectionery paint? Unfortunately I do not live in BG and do not know whether this will find any?
Time, time, time! The cream is white UNDER purple fondant! Purple is fondant! White below it is described in this recipe cream! Photo Fund is placed just to demonstrate how well this cream supports slozheniyata ON HIM fondant and carries no weight problem! Do not be fooled by the picture and view other photos :) Fondant without undergoing cream can, but the cream of the can without fondant;)
I do not live in BG and these colors are bought by Internet Shopov, no matter where you live. I can recommend Pasty paint Sugarflair and Wilton. They are specifically for fondant. In case I have worked with violet / violeta of Wilton. Set in google and see where you will most profitable to buy them.
Clearly, I thought 4f it is a recipe for fondant, but because I want to get me.
In making clear information on what is the purpose of the cream :) Only after plastered and is tightened, the cake can be covered with fondant :)
Perfect explanation! Better than it can be. Clearly and precisely that it is a cream under the Fund. I guess the cream can be painted in any color desired.
Yes, Marina. Can. Look here, my dear, the cake is plastered with this cream, not covered with fondant.
Thank you. I ate a child's cake that cream into the fund was murder Pinkovi color. But as a whole could not distinguish individual creams ingredients of the cake.
I realized that it was a cream, Aliana, ..) case that sought recipe picture rather than by title and after I saw the picture, I read the recipe without read the title. That's But surely my benefit this recipe to make a cake. Birthday is Sunday, so until then we must be ready and will tell you how I received ..)
rally and prepared with butter cream how long would izdurzhal in the fridge?
snowy, I would say that as oil - bats his cellophane cream, not yellow top. Surely one week you can keep it in the refrigerator and frozen - at least 3 months. :)
Thank Rally :)
Rally, cream became incredible! Just want to know as it out of the refrigerator and room temperature, should I break again or is ready for use?
No, snowy. Do not break more. I am glad that the cream is received. Wait to see what will be done with it.
I do a wedding cake of three floors! Her finish will put pictures! Rally warmly thank you for really good recipe of this cream!
snowy, look forward!
Here Rally, have photos! Tartan appeal to all guests! First stand out and all could see it, and finally the festivities and to try it out! Once again thank you for really good recipe of cream! :)
Great is the snow! Bravo! And it's so great!
snowy, bravo! It is very beautiful! I am glad that the cream was useful and mostly you're able to delight the newlyweds and guests! Several times already viewed pictures :)
Thank you Yoanka, Rally! Really is very large, 90 Porcius!
Big big cake! Snowy, very beautiful! Greetings!
Auu, Snejin, beautiful cake. Rally used your recipe. Superior results. Cream powder transforms oil cream has a pleasant aroma and taste.
I am so happy when I read your comments dear ones! I know that they are written from the heart! This cake was a big challenge for me because so much had not done until now and this is my third cake with fondant. I'm still very beginner. I want to ask what use the cream because I live Coude cream powder not found. And no cream was very good cream, but I wish and cream to do it.
Sneji where are you?
ICE, very elaborate and delicate cake! Bravo!
In Spain Rally.
I use this one. Cream shanti is creamer. Turkish is. Http://
Thank you! :)
prepared recipe and get successful
Nedka, I'm glad that your recipe is served :)
Wonderful cakes will try the cream!