3 kg apricots
1.5 kg sugar
1 and 1/2 tsp limontozu

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Selects ripe or slightly overripe fruit. Washed, it is better to be peeled, pitted be removed and cut into small pieces. Place in a pan or large saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Leave to stand overnight or 7-8 hours. The next day put it again and detected 10 minutes, during which time the robbery foam generated when cooking. Again, let stand overnight or 7-8 hrs. The next day, they are boiled for 10 minutes. Five minutes before take off sweet from heat, add limontozuto. Sweet escape in dry jars and sealed with lids. For greater certainty, the jars are sterilized for 5 minutes.
1 user
will try your recipe, easy and delicious! Bravo!
will try necessarily already in the garden is already ripe apricots, I'll turn a jam in this quick recipe and tell your opinion :)
We like it that sweet, slightly acidic because streak and unique flavor. Only that I put all the fruit and peel. To boil only 20 minutes. I think a little, because it spends a lot of juice and jam will be watery. That may happen, but we must put a thickener.
So sweet prepared was great. I zapechatih in hot jars and boil it. Thanks for the recipe.