500 g filo pastry sheets
1.3 kg pumpkin
butter spreads
sugar - in 1-2 tbsp of roll
cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg
2 yaytsa
1 / 3 cup milk
vanilla, a pinch of baking soda
# For glaze:
juice of 1/2 lemon
powdered sugar

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Pumpkin Grate. Take an crust smeared lightly with butter, not melted, directly with the packet to draw some lines on the sheet. Put another top crust, sprinkled with cinnamon, nutmeg few dust, walnuts and vanilla. Put it on the pumpkin, around 3 large tablespoons spoons. Pumpkin sprinkle with 1-2 tbsp sugar. Wrap up two sheets of roll. Repeat with remaining pastry pairs. In the pan, greased with sunflower oil to lean on the bottom of a trough. On it to each other rank rolls. Cut crosswise. Thus obtained boxes. Prepare topping. Pour it evenly boxes. Here and there on top put small pieces of butter. Bake in a moderate oven. After baking spray with glaze. The result looks like a pumpkin cake Napoleon.
34 users
I am doing it, but for me a little sugar and next time I will bring up more.
Many years ago I first read this recipe in a culinary magazine, brought to me by friends. Since then only do so flat - it juicy and rich taste and aroma. Over the years I've adapt it to our taste, eye. But the foundation topping and glaze, and they do just as good. Excellent recipe! Incidentally - for filling can be used and dried fruit, then topping is made in larger quantities and they absorb it swell.
I will give you a very good score, although I have not done pumpkin in this recipe. I'm quite happy at first *reading* and first *viewing* (pictured). Intrigued me and glaze topping (honestly did not know that a pumpkin can be made sauce). And as Rally (which for me is proven and recognized kulinarka) says that the only way it makes and that recipe is excellent, there's no doubt that it really is. I wrote this recipe tomorrow buy pumpkin and soil. Congratulations on Anego.
And what is the role of a crust on the bottom of the baking pan?
I guess that pad (base). Peel what, which company?
exaggerated I thought the name, but once you have tried it truly is divine, I used to peel Turkish baklava. I added more pumpkin and sugar. Became divine ,, ,,, From here on will only use this recipe.
Great recipe, I love pumpkin pie, but what is seen in the picture, I think his name was very appropriate.
Oh, not just a picture.Yesterday I made it and I want to tell you that this recipe is *divine*.Lots of coconuts alone rules, but this much I liked.
Mmm, it's great .... Increased sugar with 1 tablespoon (Sheet). Is really juicy and flavorful. Would later put and photos.
eeeeeee after so komentavi, opinions and mostly *test* can not and I will not do it
I added and delight - really divine!
Today I found pumpkins season with this recipe. Was very nice pumpkin. I put 3 in. L sugar roll. But I think it brings even more. At home is celebrated on sweet. Next time I will try with chopped nuts. A glaze no words-divine.
It was great pumpkin home and all adore him!
really very nice recipe for pumpkin, thanks!
I'll do it carefully! Thank you!
Hello! Asking for clarification, raw pumpkin or is cooked in some sort of way in advance? Thank you.
Pumpkin is not raw fry, great recipe!
Thanks for the recipe will try must!
It's really delicious! I added raisins and one grated apple. For drained orange glaze. Thanks for the recipe!
I made pumpkin 3 days ago, we like - very juicy and sweet with these flavors, really cool! Thanks for the recipe!
Wonderful recipe. On my agenda for tomorrow. Just want to ask 1 / 3h. including fresh milk topping it sufficient to cover the whole pan or can be added and a little more?
I washed over her with 1 cup eg. milk and any peel 3 tablespoons sugar is more sweet! Great recipe! Thank Anego that has launched this recipe!
Yes, definitely brings plenty of milk, put a brave:-)
Please let me apologize Selma and all the other authors of the recipe, but if this recipe remove glaze is prepared pie pumpkin - known, beloved and preparation of thousands (if not millions) of people. This dessert can be sprinkled with powdered sugar (either flavored) is a good idea, but only for authoring, I think it's a little far-fetched to talk. Selma, on the photo - the rules of the site is clearly described that to use photos by other authors must indicate the source and ask consent of the author. If no Anego your permission to use the photo - write to me, I'll delete.
If there is no dispute, the site will be very boring!
melek, does it make sense to explain *what for*, if you do not become clear until now ....Let's continue a bit more on the subject. ;-) Desislava_pm, I'm glad you for the wonderful result!
And I did this pumpkin, but to tell you honestly, I expected much more. THIS IS MY OPINION. My husband loved it. My grandmother Bay finished pastry with sugar syrup. Obtained were about the same. Maybe I put less of spices, because the leading flavor was cinnamon.
pumpkin is great!
I changed it a bit - after he made the glaze put it a little more in the oven to get a caramel glaze! Become super!
You have plenty to put pumpkin and sugar, the last time I forgot to put nutmeg and a pinch of baking soda and became well!
How much powdered sugar mixed with the juice of half a lemon? Or not they are getting in advance and sprayed with lemon juice and then sprinkle with powdered sugar?
Currently it bake in the oven ...
nataliya pove4e sugar is needed and it is orange glaze
sounds interesting, I love pumpkin will be put in soon.
Thank Selma. original recipe and Anego that he shared on the site! Excellent from me!
I think I'll first which was slightly disappointed with the recipe (word divine thing me dizzy). Of glaze slightly acidulous me (not a big problem). I used your comments and did a 3. 5l. sugar and 1cup milk, pumpkin increase of 1 800 grams. I added raisins. I think that in the future will use Granny's recipe for pumpkin pie that I've got used and I have not had a complaint until now.
Today I did it for the first time and am very happy! Sumptuous dessert - juicy, sweet, orange-cinnamon-vanilla, wonderful! Imaeto Divine fits him exactly! Today with us is Thanksgiving and my guests will have me very grateful for it :) Thank you and I of Anego recipe!
Obviously really is divine
I made a pumpkin and went to work when I got there was only 2 pieces ...
Very tasty!
It is indeed divine sweet and very juicy. I put 3 tablespoons sugar crust, but I think maybe more. Thanks for the recipe.
With a little more sugar and pumpkin becomes more beautiful. With plenty of gravy too.
It was super, but instead of lemon to put orange glaze. But I thought with jelly pumpkin are very tasty. Cheerfully welcome the new year.
recipe is divine. I do not put ind. wren and mingled everything walnuts, sugar, cinnamon. became great. Thanks for the recipe. TRY
I do it again today for Thanksgiving and I have not put sugar in the pie. I hope it's enough just sweet sugar topping. Otherwise, it is very sweet. And I use orange juice instead of lemon icing.
pumpkin did not put nutmeg and mingled sugar, cinnamon and walnuts with pumpkin and confuse them well. Pumpkin became unbelievable, every one of my guests loved it, the covering medium is something new for me, but makes very juicy pumpkin. This is my pumpkin from now on. Thanks so much for the incredible recipe!
chaden is no dispute! If someone does not like very sweet, sugar can be used only in the covering medium again becomes :)
This is the most delicious pumpkin pie I've eaten! I also put on orange glaze. I recommend anyone see the recipe to try, will not be disappointed. :)
A few years ago I read the recipe in a magazine / I'm sorry, but I do not remember what to write it / I decided to try. The result makes me very happy. My friends also liked it. Therefore I advise you to try it! Ethereal feeling to the palate and delight! :)
pumpkin do again, but today with little change. Zapekoh itin the oven for 15-20 min. and then I poured it with three eggs and a full glass of milk.
In the stuffing added raisins and glazed with equal parts sugar and
orange juice with powdered sugar. Defend your name *divine*