1 kg potatoes
3 onions
1/2 cup sunflower oil
1 tbsp tomato paste
2-3 red peppers
1 tsp paprika
mint or savory

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Finely chopped onion fry in preheated oil. Add peeled and cut into chunks and potatoes also pozaparzhvat. Sprinkle with red pepper and a little salt, make hot water and add chopped peppers and mint. The dish is cooked on low heat. To avoid Braising potatoes can add 1 tbsp vinegar. When the potatoes are almost ready, put some water in fuzzy tomato paste. The stew is dosolyava and boil for another 10 minutes.
5 users
right now will prepare :)
And so I :) nice recipe and very tasty.
In addition to all the above vegetables add 3-4 cloves finely chopped garlic 1 medium carrot, diced. For spice use sometimes celery.
And I like Bonnie put carrot, garlic and celery. In addition to her many walks and parsley, and in winter and chubrichka. It is very tasty.
Tasty! 6+
Amazing summer scent ... pepper gives much freshness.
Sounds good ... ask pepper you are, or peppers
have prepared your recovery information today, it was delicious. I put the carrot and parsley :)