200 g lard
1 cup yogurt
10 g ammonia soda
1 egg and 1 egg white
150 g feta cheese
150 g cheese
1 tsp salt
600-700 g (5-6 cups) flour
# spreads:
1 yolk a few drops of sunflower oil or milk

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In a bowl, put 2 cups flour, mixed with the salt. Add softened at room temperature lard, yogurt with dissolved therein ammonia soda (or if you do not like the ammonia soda can replace it with 1 tsp baking soda or baking powder 1 packet (10 g)), egg and egg white grated feta cheese and cheese. Spoon stir nice mix. Gradually add the rest of the flour until a soft dough. If the eggs are larger or the feta cheese is very soft, you may need to add a little more flour, but the dough should still remain soft. The dough is transferred to a floured countertop and formed into balls slightly Relocation. Place in plastic bag or turn in packing foil and kept in the refrigerator at least 2 hours. Remove the dough on a floured worktop is divided into 4 parts. If the room is warm, while forming a part, the rest is returned to the refrigerator. Each piece is rolled round and divided into 6, 8 or 12 triangles. Are thus obtained in larger or smaller rolls. Triangles winding rolls from the wide part to the top. Arrange on a tray covered with baking paper, a short distance from each other, with the top down. Spread with a broken yolk. Can sprinkle with caraway seeds, coarse salt or other seasoning. Bake in preheated oven at 180C degrees. They go 2 trays size 35h35 cm and depending on how the dough is divided - 24, 32 or 48 muffins. The dough can also prepare 5 mm thick and cut out various figures; be cut into strips 1 cm wide, with a length of 12-15 cm and optional curl helically; etc. * 1 cup = 200 ml
2 users
recipe is presented and written very stylish, fun to read recipes submitted by Ina, unpretentious, delicious, easy and lasting though the old notebook. You reminded me of them and make them at the earliest opportunity. Congratulations on your recipe and beautiful picture.
flowers, thanks for the kind words! Will be happy to make them! :)
Can cheese and / or cheese to put in muffin itself, not in the dough? And pollution in the atmosphere problem you will be if one night stand in the fridge?
Iliana, the dough becomes very delicious with cheese in it. I almost always make these muffins as they beat the evening, put the dough in the refrigerator wrapped well and roast them in the morning. Are wonderful and very very tasty! Good luck! :)
It is wonderful that the dough becomes and the night before. We'll try and share. Thank you :)
Melita, the snow is your answer, which it thanks! :) Of course you can put cheese as stuffing, but not in the dough. Will wait for feedback and success in the making!
Last night I'd got the dough and today I shaped and baked them. Frankly, my dough was very soft, although I put only 4 h. H. - The other way 3. However muffins were delicious with a crispy crust. I used baking powder and put the cheese in the paste. Thanks for the recipe :)
Ilianche quite depends on the size of the eggs, the softness of the cheese and by the flour. Use a glass of 200 ml liquid which is equal to 125 -130 g flour. Glad that still rolls were delicious! :)
I had no hand mass and then swapped with butter! Pretzels are delicious, thanks to Ina shared recipe!
iris, and become oil. With seeds, which you sprinkle them are even more delicious! I am very glad that you decided to try the recipe and you hit it pretzels! :)