4 chicken breasts
4 thin slices of ham or tenderloin
60 g feta cheese or Emmental cheese
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
2 cup breadcrumbs
fat frying

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Cleaned from skin and bones and breasts are stretched in every piece of meat is placed on a piece of feta cheese, wrapped in ham. Meat wrapped tight as the feta cheese remains inside. Can be secured with toothpicks. Then rolled in flour, dip in a mixture of beaten eggs with the milk and finally rolled in breadcrumbs. Fry to brown in a highly heated sunflower oil.
6 users
Effective and tasty dish, very suitable if you want to impress someone with your culinary skills.
In the highly hot oil panada burn before the meat is ready. Medium heat to get best results. Also as fillet to fuck while visibly shrink. If instead Emmental put Gorgonzola or Bavaria Blue becomes more spicy.
This is downright deadly.
I did it in the oven really is deadly and scary easy to prepare.
I loved going to try!
regularly do this at home is cruel! but with a green salad (maybe the salad) mmm ...
is great ...
I also did it in the oven. Really is quick, easy and delicious!
Many were delicious, I baked them in the oven.
And I have prepared in the oven. Very very tasty.