3 cups ground walnuts
1 cup powdered sugar
1 egg

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All products are mixed in a bowl mix is very nice (to make dough). Injected is florets. Bake at 160C. Once cool peel off from the tray.
Very easy
1 user
I love macaroons. I have a memory that can be made only with proteins, but will try and your option. On baking paper or put you directly in the baking pan? I guess if it is in the baking pan, it must be greased with oil.
Jump in the baking pan but crouch with oil.
I made them with protein and orchitis since I was little I added 2 tablespoons oatmeal :). Were tasty but not crispy.
Walnuts are ground finely and having extruded become crispy
Mimeto recipe is really good! Previously tried in another recipe with proteins, but yours is better !! :) They became great macaroons! :)
Nelly, I'm glad that you liked!