2 eggs
1 cup milk
1/3 cup sunflower oil
1 tsp salt
1 cup usually wheat flour
1 cup cornmeal
10 g baking powder
seeds for sprinkling
2 skinless sausages
butter pan forms

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In a bowl mix the dry ingredients - flour, salt, baking powder. In another bowl, lightly stirring the eggs as to unite whites and yolk. Add the milk and the oil, stirring. Add the flour and mix again until homogeneous mixture. Pan well with butter forms for muffins. Maybe capsules paper to use, but cupcakes receive very nice reddish crust in baking, when the walls were smeared with butter and not use paper - already tried and found the difference. Pour a little of the mixture (about 1/3 to 1/2 of the volume of the pocket) and stick in the middle of a piece of sliced skinless sausage. Sprinkle top with seeds of your choice and bake in 180C for 15-20 minutes. Finished cakes leave for about 2-3 minutes in their shapes, then remove them and arrange on a wire rack to cool. Are to eat both warm and cold. * 1 cup = 250 ml
7 users
recipe like! Already in favorites - wait your turn :)
Reni, very glad that you like her and I've identified a long time ago, but now I decided to try and definitely liked us :)
passes to favorites and I like it, after the holidays will try, looks very easy.
Flower glad, very easy and quick and tasty cum :)
made them mafinkite and I took 12 small and 3 large. For the first time do with cornmeal cakes and I liked the dough. Ham are soft and do bulk (crisp). I will definitely be doing, but two doses. Left sample and others. day again have mekichki. Become students for breakfast.
dough became perfect with the given proportions. I received 12 units. small muffins, but parchetsata kremvirsh were smaller. Added to the dry mixture of ground coriander, and in the dough, I had a handful of canned corn. With corn texture became interesting, and it and the paste is so crisp! Look like the picture.
We'll have dinner with them with a green salad with cucumber, siretse and walnuts.
akva7, mayatt, very glad that you liked the cupcakes.
Great became cupcakes. Finished in no time, I could not take a picture.
Tanya, I'm glad that you try them out and running out is the best estimate for the master :)
long tried the recipe, but I soon profile here. They are great and are extremely quick and easy for any occasion :)
Dora, thanks for the comments, I'm glad that you like cupcakes :)
Villas were gorgeous! Very tasty and crisp! I followed the recipe exactly, except that they Peko cakes in shape (no suitable shapes for muffins) and cut sausages into small pieces. All liked :)
Reni, excellent so you do (as always), I'm glad that you were satisfied :)
Villas already have suitable shapes for muffins :) But ... instead of sausages made cupcakes with cheese :) So are great!
Reni are gorgeous and look very appetizing! Will try them and I in this way, but now we have started a diet and looking very not tempted with goodies :)
cupcakes are awesome !! :)
Nelly, I am very glad chudesno look! :)
Thank you, Willy! :) I would certainly do it again! Will try and options Reni cheese! :)
Very pleasant to taste cakes - mine are with sausage and cheese :)
Miroslava gives wonderful new proposal and I will try them so :)
This time is larded with cheese and salami !!Are wonderful! :) Fast and delicious breakfast! :) :)
They look very delicious:) I've never had a meal, but I've tried cakes and I'm sure it was very tasty. How do you try to bake them in the pan, no forms for muffins (will risk and will write to know others who do not have forms :)
I think there will be no problem to be baked in the pan, but I must not be greater than 25 cm. For round or rectangular 30/11, i. E. As a small to becomes higher cake, if it is larger baking pan, respectively, becomes lower. I wish you success and praise as you do :)