1 kg minced meat
1 egg
30 g breadcrumbs
5 g savory
1/2 bunch parsley
1 onion
1 tbsp (10 g) salt
1 tbsp (10 ml) sunflower oil
# For the filling:
2 pickles
2 carrots
2 eggs
breadcrumbs for sprinkling
50 g cheese

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Minced meat is kneaded with egg, parsley, grated onion, breadcrumbs, salt and savory and was aged 10 minutes. Carrots are cooked in salted water for 10 minutes and cut into sticks. Two eggs are cooked, peel and cut into quarters. Minced meat is placed on a damp kitchen towel (aluminum foil) and is spread out in an oval shape with a thickness of 1 cm. At one end lining carrots, eggs and cut into julienne pickle. By lifting the cloth carefully shaped roll. Place in a tray so that it lies on the side where closed. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs. In pan pour 2 fingers of water and the oil. Bake 45-50 minutes in a preheated 180 C oven. Sprinkle with cheese and bake another 10 minutes.
58 users
I prepare the same roll, but in baking pan iэsipvam 1 jar tomato, a little oil, 2-3 naryaэani wheels pickles and a few olives.
Try stuffed with chutney, melted cheese and pepperoni sausage! It scary! And what you is this water, and why so many ?!
In the water and put some beer. Became great.
And if you can do in the form of a roll?
Bravo, this recipe is a classic.
and I do so but naturally in the stuffing can put mushrooms
I just put it in the oven to bake and eliminate targets put onions youngest son loves roasted onions. Roll, roll it up with the help of a large plastic bag.
I have to add the minced meat and 2c. l cream before roasting not put bread crumbs and sesame.
I grated cheese on top and sides put fries for a side dish.
Many times I have not done Stephanie, you gave me the idea :)
Yesterday I made meatloaf was great. And my husband was most pleased, and said as Mama
will surprise children and his wife.
Bravo for the recipe. I did not remember but you gave me an idea for tomorrow. Thank you!
I found an easy way to prepare meatloaf-in cake form. Previously it well oiled, then roll out half of the minced meat, put the filling and cover with the remaining mince. After baking, turn the roll in a large platter and decorate with toppings.
but you can be prepared in a microwave oven?
This is a great idea for the summer heat!
I can only say SUPER! but I think a little more salt.
Very beautiful and delicious seems well done!
I did it in cake form for easier and grated cheese on top. Wonder what happened!
I put him on edge sliced potatoes to heat comes together and toppings ready.
roll was very tasty, thanks for the recipe
I've done it and now will prbvam and in cakes form
I did it in cake form and was very tasty with a nice eye zo
recipe is a great thank you ...
I did it in cake form and added the water or oil - just greased pan well with butter and blister her breadcrumbs - departments is very easy and has many spectacular! Thanks for the recipe for the wonderful idea!
I am a beginner in the kitchen. I like this recipe and I will try! Just ask rolled up as for example when the pie is it? thanks in advance to answer!
for the first time prepared meatloaf received is perfect.
Here I snim4itsi ... I above, except 4f grated cheese for added luxury and wheels melted smoked cheese!
I also do very often this recipe, and when I want to surprise the Italians with something different from their kitchen. Always good sprinkle with breadcrumbs and then very carefully with oil. When you make a nice crust, start from time to time to pour the sauce. A crispy crust.
It was very tasty, home not eat boiled eggs, so put for stuffing mushrooms, melted cheese, ham, cheese and broil peppers, also becomes very tasty.
Today we have dinner meatloaf on this recipe! Thank you!
I have a very fickle friend, its menu consists of meat and potatoes ... no vegetables or yogurt if started izbroyavyam ... but if pushed a little stuffing think might be able to seduce. Thanks, here I find very useful tips and delicious;)
I turn the roll in a veil, and remove the baking pan put the whole small potatoes pridobovat great taste thanks to the veil :)
Elti, very successful and visible in the picture. I often do, but minced meat plays an important role in how you use it?
This time is ready mince store 40/60 pork / beef. Company Sami-M (and not standard *Old Mountain*).
The last time my meatloaf was a failure because of minced meat. I want to share my idea - do it on infividualni portions - large meatballs. Somewhat laborious is because for each meatball is raztila mince, make and roll forming, but is ideal for guests. I offer it in a bird's nest etc - of straw, shredded wholesale potato and then fried, as during frying Frame with two spoons nest. Will add my picture.
ma_rri_na, says this idea !!!Thanks! :)
I do small rolls (call them roulades). More convenient is then serving. Side put fries.
I have no words for this yummy, which describe all here! I'm going to mince. Not you starting?
With Happy Chef back sometimes 20 years back in time ... with meatloaf example ... mmm ... delicious meals as once;) Thank you!
Really irresistible classic! Super is!
will try this option
is ideal!
And I like magi71 did in cake form. Very tasty dish!
Very nice pictures and get me well ... mmm ... rultsetoo [! ]
Rejoice, Flower! Now - good appetite!
desislava_pm, this is not to eat - for exhibition. So beautifully shaped him. I saw your picture directly hungry.
I love meatloaf. It is by adding and potatoes around in the baking pan. :)
Congratulations! And I did today roll with fries on the side of the pan. Became divine!
Congratulations! And I made meatloaf with potato sharp-srahotniya is! But inside the roll unless these products and put small pieces of bacon and mushrooms try -bozhestveno is good appetite!