Salted salmon Swedish

Submitted by enr on 22 Sep 2004
200 g salmon fillet
1 tsp (5 g) salt
1 tsp (5 g) sugar
1 tsp (5 g) pepper
1/2 bunch of dill
Salted salmon Swedish
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Salmon is cleared from the bones, but leave the skin. Salt, sugar and pepper mix and salmon rub with this mixture on all sides. Fennel cut in large pieces and half lean bottom of a small baking dish. Piece of salmon is placed on it and sprinkle with remaining dill. Fish pushes a cutting board and weight. Leave in the fridge 36-48 hours each morning fish turns and the juice is squeezed. Salmon is cleared of spices and cut into thin slices. Serve with toasted bread or boiled potatoes.
2 users
22 Sep 2004


The fish is first sliced ​​(after salting remain small bones that are removed with tweezers). More delicious if it is used instead of ordinary sea salt. White pepper instead of black and crushed, rather than powder. Is delicious - and became a starter for breakfast as it was described in the recipe way.

Excellent recipe.

Accidentally found this recipe a few years-from the first experience out great, and now all my family and friends are fond of this so simple, but very tasty dish of fish. My dilemma is this: champagne or vodka should be offered this fish.

Thanks to the successful recipe, the fish became great. I did it with frozen fillets with skin (previously thawed) and followed the recipe exactly. Put it in a box which tightly wrapped in a large clean envelope, so that it can be traps fish, but not flavored refrigerator stuck with two cheese and a cheese :) Some sprinkled with a little lemon juice in serving and also get well.

Today is even more delicious, next time I will leave it for 3 days in the fridge.

This recipe has become a favorite of me and my friends from years ago, three days try it instead of salmon trout. Very tasty ...

IvanTankov, your positive feedback helped me to dare to try the recipe - and we are already :) Much love goes with camembert or brie on crackers. I think next time to try another culinary herb, and to remove the skin of the fillet at the beginning.

I do not advise you to try to remove the skin in advance. After salting the skin is removed very easily, before salting is murder ... At least, this is my bitter experience.

Thanks for shared experiences. I was not very easy to *Obelya* and is salted, so I hope to be able to remove skin is completely frozen. My fish have small scales, stick my fingers because they are almost invisible bother me not to leave any (not that it would be much of a problem).