1 kg potatoes
1 chicken
200 g sour cream
200 g fresh mushrooms
3 boiled eggs
4-5 pickles
200 g mayonnaise
200 g cheese
pepper, salt

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Parsley potatoes and chicken are cooked in separate containers. Better would be if the potatoes are cooked with the peel. Once boiled potatoes smash while still warm add the cream and spices. Fry the mushrooms and add to the potatoes, there is added and cheese. When the chicken has also been prepared is cut into small pieces and added to the mixture. At the bottom of a baking dish standing in fresh foil and wet spoon add the potato mixture. Leave in refrigerator to set. When cake is well cooled ejected from the mold and smeared with mayonnaise, as well smoothed. Finally garnish with grated pickles and eggs. Optional can be adorned with molded from processed cheese florets.
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I love salty cakes, and this allows for different combinations in the products and decoration, so that goes in the category of favorite recipes.