2 yolks
125 g soft butter
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tbsp yogurt
10 g baking powder

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Of these products is kneaded hard dough. With a spoon make the top and bottom of the porcupines. Top to twist rank on the edge of the tray. Bake and stick with a mixture of powdered sugar and butter or jam. Decorate with chocolate using a toothpick, and the rest is dipped in chocolate and crushed walnuts.
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When I was a child every weekend with my mother and my sister cooked for these sweet and loves to help her. Not only tasty option but is also a good idea to engage young children in their preparation and they will have fun and certainly over time will tell the same
How many grams is a packet of butter and roughly how much flour is needed?
oil is 125 g.
how flour is put
I am a child of the 11
Honey I never Mary to tell with precision. But the dough should be firm and slightly crumbly.