Salted layered cake of pancakes

Submitted by enr on 27 Jun 2008
250 g feta cheese
500 g flour
600 ml milk
125 g butter
15 g sugar
300 ml water
7 g yeast
2 g salt
To more most of the flour, diluted with 1/3 of the milk are added the pre-soaked in a little milk yeast, sugar and salt and mix well. The dough is left to rise. After doubling its volume is added the rest of the flour and lukewarm milk. A thin pancake dough is left to stand for 25-30 minutes in a warm place. Then it is a tablespoon scoop and an oily pan gently fry thin sheets pancake (with red on one side turns on the other). Arrange in a baking dish, and between each sprinkles less than pre-crumbled feta cheese or cottage cheese. Pour with lightly fried butter (diluted with a little water and kipnato) and baked in the oven for a short time. Cut into pieces and serve.
0 users
27 Jun 2008


Maybe before removing from the oven to sprinkle with grated cheese!