Spring lamb dolmas in lime leaf

Submitted by enr on 07 Apr 2009
600 g very finely crushed lamb push
1 bunch spring onions
50 g of rice, boiled in 70 ml water
6 tbsp olive oil
1 egg
1 tbsp chopped chopped mint
1 tsp pepper
50-60 young leaves of lime (or vine)
# For the sauce:
200 g of yogurt with a higher fat content
2 eggs
1 tsp toasted flour
In fat stew the onions with 1 tbsp water, boil off the water, add the meat, rice and pepper. Add salt to taste. Remove from heat and add the beaten egg and mint. If the leaves are small, merge 2 2 and turn the meat. Shiny side must remain outside. If using horseradish leaves or vine - pre-milled. The dolmas are arranged in a saucepan, pressed with a plate, pour broth and simmer. For the sauce egg is broken with the flour in a water bath until posgastyat, add milk and separated from the fire. The dolmas pour the sauce and served with fresh mint.
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07 Apr 2009