1 cup (200 ml) milk
2 eggs
200-250 g flour
pinch of salt
30 g butter
fat frying

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From warm milk mixed with 1 cup (200 ml) of water, salt, both the yolk and flour dough is prepared rare. Just before frying add the beaten egg whites to stiff. Spread the bottom of the pan with oil and heat strongly. Pour 1 ladle of dough. Pancake fry until browned, turning and fry the other side. The fried batter was put on top of one another in a heated bowl, such as between them to scatter a few drops of melted butter. Prepare immediately before serving. Filled with stuffing of your choice and be rolled or folded in two.
4 users
Super recipe.
Many are delicious.
They are very nice. Become fluffy and soft.
Great recipe! The pancakes are delicious :)
They became very good. Very good recipe.
I had the honor to make pancakes of his son but the result was very disappointing. His mother tried them and two of us left 1 only. Were superb in combination with honey, now excuse me but I have to do 2 mixture to feed your child again. : :)
Thanks for the recipe! It is very successful. Some of the products added *by eye*, but it is received. Prepared them on the hot plate, which is also a factor to obtain good pancakes.