300 g tea biscuits (2 packets)
1 tbsp cocoa
milk or water

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1/3 biscuit crumble these very finely, and the other of larger pieces. Cocoa mixed with 2-3 tbsp warm milk. All gently kneaded by adding, if necessary, more milk. Shape is sweet rocks and rank in the tray.
Very easy
1 user
If a part of the biscuits are cocoa, it is not necessary to add cocoa.
can pour molten chocolate
You. If white chocolate will mimic snowy peak. Variants are different topping, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, etc. Say what you think and there are now. Suitable for unexpected guests.
I have prepared them with biscuits and water for Christmas Eve. Sprinkled with ground walnuts
Zori becomes and biscuits, especially if they are softer. And with walnuts has become even more delicious! Glad you made them :)