400 g jam
1/2 cup sunflower oil
3 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda

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Jam mix with 1 cup lukewarm water, add the oil and the flour with the baking soda. Mix everything well. Bake in greased and floured pan. Be careful when baking because the dough is dark in color.
10 users
It is very tasty and going to fast.
Thanks for evaluation. And not just for Lent. When I hand eggs and milk, this is the most easy and quick thing I do.
A sugar puts you?
Nelly, do not put sugar, because the sweetness of the jam is sufficient. Can be used and jam and marmalade.
Mnongo scrumptious cake get! Thanks for the recipe!
interesting proposal will try.
One of the few cakes that do not fall as cool. And diet.
Nelly, great you received!
It is very tasty this cake. Until now I've done it with strawberries, plums, grapes, cherries and sour cherries. Always excellent result. Daubed it, top with whipped cream, some chocolate and slightly soluble drink with strawberry ... awesome!
Great cake!
nice to us but we did not sweet enough ... I used strawberry jam, which itself was very sweet, even in the cake does not feel ... look that else had complained probably we are just a sladovkusni;)
I am very sorry that the cake did not like! But this is not mandatory. Everyone there is a taste, one likes one another other. We can not be the same. If you love so much sweet, add sugar. I wish you success!
I did it with jam, it was delicious! Thanks for the recipe! Good luck to all! :)
Zlatina, very glad that you liked the cake. He may diversify by adding dried fructo nuts. Above may also be sprinkled with powdered sugar or bake with chocolate / as did Iva / cream, etc. Well, of course then no longer be *evtiniyka*!
This is my version of the cake. There sugar in the recipe and becomes sweet. Post CAKE jam plum / very successful recipe /
1 h. H hot water / 200ml. /;
1 h. H sugar;
1 jar of plum jam -400 g. / Preferably home /;
1 hr. Including oil;
1 h. H walnuts -naryazani;
1 hr. Liter soda;
1/2 packet of cinnamon;
1 vanilla;
3 h. H sifted flour.
In this sequence were stirred all products.
Once everything goes wrong is poured into a greased and floured pan.
Bake in preheated oven at 180-200 degrees until ready.
Once baked, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Good your options Ivcheto, flipped him and thank you, but no longer EVTINIYKA. A Evtiniykata is dietary However, there are people who, although they like, do not eat a lot of sweets. :)
became uniquely fast and tasty and really does not fall then
ivka, your recipe is for a tart. Is interesting, easy and upload it to the site.
Approximately how long and to what degrees bake?
Lily, the temperature is moderate - about 180 degrees C. The time depends on the oven, but it pretty quickly. You just have to check with a wooden skewer.
followed the recipe after bake greased cake with cocoa glaze, sprinkled with cocoa and crushed biscuits. Wadi pretty good shape after pulling a little cool and will see how it has become and taste :) PS: I did put fig jam (:
Eli, I'm glad you liked it. Interesting proposal to decorate the top. And this fig jam guess it gave wonderful aroma!
Mmm, delicious camp! I put blueberry jam. Thanks for retseptata- is successful!
Albena1, and I thank you that you trust the recipe and most importantly, I'm glad that you was delicious!
Thanks for the recipe I put strawberry jam and walnuts. Upload and snimchitsa already half the delicious meals :)
Marina, so fast that it is halfway through the cake is his best score :) Thank you and I, that you trust the recipe!
Super Recipe. Perfect for fast and empty refrigerator. I added a little cinnamon and walnuts became great. Thanks for the recipe!
liaa20, I am very pleased that the first use of this site recipe was well received! :) Good luck!