500 g beef
fresh cabbage 1
1 onion
pepper, salt, paprika

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Cut cabbage in small pieces. Fry onions. Minced meat flavored with spices and shape the meatballs, which add to the cabbage.Add a little water and leave to choke a few minutes. Then transfer the mixture into a pan and bake at 200 C for 30 minutes.
1 user
Taste you mince? Sounds pretty interesting.
To Taste.
Please add to what seasoned minced meat in products and explain it in preparation. Also when put spices. Cabbage is fresh guess?
I guess the author will specify, but minced / least most often we use - more pork / will fit more with sauerkraut.
Ina, and I wondered for cabbage, especially that now is the season of sour :) The author, however, has stated that it is fresh.
is now clarified and minced meat - beef. So really fresh cabbage appropriate.
Since we do not eat pork, I cook cabbage with beef. Do the so-called *lazy* or *developed* sarma with ground beef and cabbage. Put tomatoes - fresh grated or jar. Believe me, I like to all our friends. When using sauerkraut (very rare here this year I'm not rules) and put rice (or groats), to *rob* sour. I had not thought about meatballs and I intend to take this idea.
Great combination: fresh cabbage with meatballs! :)