150-200 g tea biscuits
125 g butter
4 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
1 vanilla
10 g baking powder
1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts
1/2 cup raisins
2 apples (large)

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Biscuits are broken into small pieces and mix with the melted butter. The mixture thus obtained is spread evenly on the bottom of the pot, or pan with a diameter of 32 cm. Peeled and cleaned apples are cut into small cubes and distribute evenly over the biscuit base. On apples evenly distributed walnuts and raisins (pre-soaked for 15 minutes in hot water). Eggs with baking powder and vanilla crash foam mixer, then them consistently add sugar and flour. Stirred with a mixer to completely dissolve the sugar. Thus obtained egg mixture is poured evenly onto the apples. Cake bake until browned. The finished cake sprinkled with powdered sugar.
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