2 cups flour
3 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp caster sugar
1 and 1/2 cup milk
2 eggs
60 g butter

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Sift the flour with the baking powder in a large bowl and add the powdered sugar and rasheetva. Separately, whisk the eggs, milk and 60 g butter. The mixture was added to the flour with a wooden spoon stir to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Cover and leave for 15 minutes. Heat skillet on medium stove, smeared with butter and pour it in about 1/3 cup of pancake mix. Spoon is distributed on a circle with a diameter of about 12 cm. Reduce the heat and pancake bake 2-3 minutes or until the surface bubbles occur. Pancake turns and bake for 2 minutes or until ready. Similarly, other baked pancakes as a pan is oil before each. Finished pancakes covered with a clean towel to stay warm. Serve with lemon and sugar, or garnish of your choice.
10 users
All this is very nice, but to an American pancake maple syrup is needed.
There are other syrups, such as blueberry, raspberry and others. Not necessarily to maple. I personally do not like maple syrup.
I agree with notreve - to have American pancakes should be thick and heavy flight with maple syrup! :) Of course they are good and other syrups, jams, etc., but classic is with maple syrup.
I'd appreciate it if you tell me where to buy maple syrup.
maple syrup is sold in all stores of the chain Metro
Favorites me.
Is there here of the oil that is put before the maple syrup? In the American ways the presentation with a small box of butter and syrup. It was soft and slightly salty. Does not measure many of our oil.
They become great! Many mekichki and fluffy. I put a little baking powder - 1 pm. L and that was great. :) Now more often you attend our table;)
are really awesome today I made them for breakfast, but due to lack of maple syrup I ate them with honey;)
finally made them. Were wonderful! I had children to visit and ended quickly.
are great! thanks for the recipe ... excellent pancake recipe
prepared recipe and have a fine
Is it needed a mixer for mixing the mixture?
is not binding, the wet mixture (eggs, milk, oil) can be decomposed into a mixer or wire.
are great! Currently no maple syrup, but with chocolate are wonderful!
I just made them very tasty. The children ate ice cream.
Will be stored in the freezer?
You prepare pancakes, leave to cool completely and distributed on a baking pan littered with baking paper or freezer, you can do a few lines, but do not touch. Leave them for a few hours in the freezer and when fully frozen them orders in tightly closed bags for freezer or appropriate boxes. You can arrange them in a stack separated by paper or baking freezer and wrap with foil, then in the bag, maybe in separate bags. Can stay a few weeks. Defrost - Wadi, remove paper, and if baked in the oven, pan or in the microwave.
They became great, scary delicious and fluffy. : *
Pancakes are not my strongest hand in cooking, but those I received perfect!
were delicious, but I really dough thickens.
iuleto, American pancakes dough is generally quite thick and the pancakes are small (about 10 cm in diameter) and thick (several mm). See this image as:
I tried the recipe and was great.
dough should be thick. I do them in a Teflon pan without putting fat on it.
I did polovin dose only sample a small breakfast. Well, not even reached us. They are great! Bravo :)