Compote of peeled peaches

Submitted by enr on 16 Sep 2007
5 kg peaches
1.5 kg sugar
Compote of peeled peaches
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Peel the fruit is peeled in one of the following ways: 1. With a sharp knife. Thus the surface of the peeled fruit becomes a non-smooth, gets a lot of waste and need a lot of time. 2. By scalding the fruit. Cut and cleared of stones fruit is placed in a container with pierced bottom or cheesecloth and soaked in boiling water for 3-5 minutes depending on the degree of maturity of the fruit. Immediately thereafter, the fruit is immersed in cold water. The skin of peaches processed so is easily removed from the flesh. Fruits rank with the convex side to the wall of the jar. Pour hot sugar syrup. The concentration of the syrup is dependent on the maturity of the fruit. At green fruit syrup is made with higher concentrations - 40%, and when ripe - 35% (1 jar falls from 130 to 150 g of sugar). The jars are sterilized for 15 minutes. The products are 10 jars of 1 liter.
2 users
16 Sep 2007


compost becomes very aromatic when each jar put a leaf geranium.

I brew compotes 30 minutes because half are quite large and 1 jar put 2 peaches ..