200-250 g figs
rind of 1 lemon
2 eggs
100 ml milk
2-3 tbsp sugar
20-25 figs
1 cup sunflower oil

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Pour flour into a bowl, grate lemon peel, add 2 egg yolks, milk and sugar. Stir until a thick dough. Egg whites are broken down into the snow and was gradually added to the dough. Figs are washed, rolled in dough and fried in pre heated sunflower oil.
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Bon Appetit
And as I like figs ... awesome!
I wonder, with figs sweet would it not be a good ?!
A can take dried figs, leaving dough to ponaduyat, and then fry. Love them again recently, as a child I had prenayala of figs years I could not look at them.
And this is the idea Rally. Dried also very tasty. Some time ago I was playing them trouble and put them in the middle peeled almond :) But ... sounds like I no longer play that much. But very tasty anyway.
Even now comes to my mind, it would be tasty and spectacular if you really have inside nut, walnut and can be, and when PANIC figs, sprinkle with vanilla sugar.
For my taste for figs most goes nuts. Both are intense and individual taste, and supplemented. Almond or hazelnut are more gentle, more modest taste, you will need 3 hazelnuts to catch up. But this is only my opinion.
For the dusting of powdered sugar, cardamom but not with the vanilla. Figs have sweet vanilla scent is sweet May will be much. Cardamom is more typical. But again I say - my view: -)
with cardamom may be better, but I've never used it and I do not know what the taste. So therefore suggested vanilla :) I think it's time to try this cardamom :)
Vesi, I take 1 kg of sugar and then split in jars, put in one vanilla pod, the other tube cinnamon in the third leaf of a rose bush in the fourth 10-ish capsules cardamom, cracked. And do something sweet, while the kitchen smell, smell and jars, so best decide which fits me for the moment.