2 prepared the base for cake
confectionery cream
striped sticks
1 orange
1 apple
about 10 strawberries
1 banana
2 cigar

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Both the base is coated with the cream . Once we whitened first base with cream on it and put the banana strawberries are cut into thin slices. On first base put second base, which is also coated with cream. And put it on one side and a few pieces of orange across several pieces of thinly sliced apple. For decoration put other strawberries, colorful sticks and two cigar.
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As the cigar is not an ingredient in the recipe is inappropriate to appear in the header. Moreover, apple slices in the decoration are irrelevant because darken quickly - even if dripped with lemon juice or immerse in salt water for more than an hour or two of air will not last. Image display *pieces* orange are actually segments of the fruit, which, if they are packed with skin, as shown, also dry for several hours. For decoration is filleted oranges: the sheet is peeled with a sharp knife, removing it on the skin with white underneath. With knife izryavat orange fillets by cutting the skin of the individual segments. Generally presented recipe is rather random, no spices, not consider the fruits are suitably selected. Not even think about whether the filling is moist enough to give moisture to the swamps and become Porting a whole, and not accidentally thrown ingredients.