300-400 g pumpkin
2-3 tbsp sunflower oil
1/3 cup sugar

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Pumpkin Peel and cut into small cubes. They are placed in the pan, sprinkle with the oil and sugar. Pour about 1 cup water and the tray is placed at the bottom of the oven. Bake in preheated oven at 200 ° C until soft (I used pumpkin from freezer and bake for 20 minutes). Optional can be sprinkled with cinnamon and chopped walnuts before presentation.
7 users
Maggie I roast pumpkin with honey and try it incredible
I did at the beginning turn the pan with foil until tender pumpkin and then clean it off, to be able to seal the gourd. So it is both a baked, yet not many dried. Thus prepared most like me :)
This you see in the picture is very fast and is juicy. But remains soft and can easily be done as a cream mixed with milk / my mother so she did /.
I did its two times in this way, but the second time I put oil instead of butter and it was much better. Otherwise, it is great!
My mom makes pumpkin lokumcheta only that boil them with grape must and sugar, they are great!
Incredible dessert for small and large! I put a little brown sugar and a little honey.
I know the recipe kata *Roasted pumpkin rustic*. Very quickly prepared and very tasty. Put a little cinnamon.
I liked, but I overdid with oil and it was a little greasy.
Can everyone to replace some spice in such a choice, I prepare a written :) Ina will try and I with cinnamon, although not love her so much!
I have prepared them in the convection oven - became quick and tasty :)
very successful, and I added a little honey-only water will reduce next time.
bebolina - if you is very fluid just pulled the baking pan and when you turn the pieces with a spoon remove unnecessary amount. This syrup, which will bring out the very delicious and so to drink. So I did and today, when Peko. But I do not put any fat (or oil, or oil) - only a little sugar and some water - water gourd he grew too. The recipe I'm doing it for years, often in the season (200 degrees fan) and know it by my mother in law. A honey - I know that losing valuable properties in heat treatment.
I roast them without fat, with just a little water and sugar. Are wonderful! I filled them with sweet prunes, walnuts and raisins.
Super become.
They are very easy to prepare, and are quickly!
CVETETO3101, they may lose the properties of honey from the heat treatment, but at least not harmful, and white sugar! The same applies when frying with olive oil and vegetable oil. I want to ask how to make these shapes the picture of renito. :)
Svetla, lokumchetata while still warm mash them and put them in silicone muffin baking pans. Once cool turn them :)
Rennie, great idea for the design! Were you able to povtvardyat? Today, I made these pumpkin bites, but I have not read your idea and have already cooled down. Another trick I learned recently of cheat and I applied today - get is great. Once cut into pieces raw pumpkin puts it in the pan and sprinkle with sugar. Then leave the baking pan so all night - in the morning pumpkin has launched some water from sugar. Today zapekoh straight and get 6. Hello! :)
CVETETO3101, thanks! :) To succeed, just not crowd well lokumchetata in baking pans. Me again I liked the way that you share and will surely try it :)