500 g flour (sifted)
250 g butter (can mix 100 g of margarine and 150 g butter)
200 g of powdered sugar
3 egg yolks or 2 eggs (yolks only become softer)
2 vanilla
optional rind of one lemon
For gluing: jam or a thick jam (the best-red)
For sprinkling: powdered sugar

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All products must be at room temperature. sifting flour and powdered sugar. They add vanilla, egg yolks, soft butter into pieces and lemon rind (I put). Hands begin to interfere until a fine crumbs. Continue to interfere while together and shape a uniform smooth dough. Cover with foil and leave in the fridge for two hours. Remove from the refrigerator dough is not as elastic as usual with most tests, but quickly released. Subtract part of it (to use), and the rest go home in the cold, so as not to leave. Roll crust about 3-5 mm and cut the shapes with equal numbers cookies - targets for the bottom and the top hole. Arrange on baking paper. Bake in preheated oven at 170C degrees to pinking all. Be very careful not to be burned. Handle with care the finished cookies on a metal grid, wait to cool. Immediately after removing from the oven are still soft, but later solidify. Ready biscuits stick together with jam or marmalade and sprinkled with powdered sugar. * If you make them for Christmas can fire them 2-3 weeks in advance and glued them a day or two before serving.
3 users
Very beautiful!
are Amazing! I do like and I know the taste. Gold baking pans you are very nice :)
Thank you girls, I used the most simple shapes sweet. Really are very tasty.
gold in the middle of what shape your open / heart and asterisk /?
shapes themselves are such each has in the middle and moving in small part.
oven pre-heated so there is 170 degrees?
And how long above below bake?
Yes di_jar, the oven is preheated and bake until pinking all - m / t 8 and 12 minutes.
Thank you - will do today will taped with raspberry jam - hopefully get - look very delicious :)
will occur - fingers crossed. By chilled dough is very easy to work with it, you warm is difficult - it is soft and baking pan razkrivyava. Wadi less than fridge as engrave on a baking pan. Otherwise really very delicious, I'm my hid them, as they had drove ... :)
I made them, I had a little problem with the dough, I had to add protein as you can not collect it in a homogeneous mixture with the egg yolks inside. But received - very nice dough work. I tried them before they sighted - aromatic oil cookies. Slepih them with raspberry jam, I guess as a two-day stay will soften even more. Thanks for shared recipe.
di_jar have become very good, good for you
Mmmm are very nice! Here's a picture from me! Veselushko Happy Holidays!
Required sweet every Christmas! Will cohere in a few days.