5 kg carrots, white cabbage, red peppers bell peppers, cauliflower
1 bunch parsley, 1 bunch celery
6 tbsp salt
650 ml vinegar
500 g sugar
250 ml water
250 ml sunflower oil
3-4 laurel leaves
some black pepper

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Vegetables are washed and cut, parsley and celery, too finely. Put in 10 liter bidonche or bucket with a lid. In order alternating vegetables. Before I started to slice your vegetables make marinade prior to dissolve sugar and salt. All other products were mixed and stirred to melt the sugar and salt. Marina is cold after I order them vegetables pour marinade put the bay leaf and peppercorns. Put pickles in a cool place and every day 1-2 times a stir after the third day is ready for consumption. * Try not regret it. At home every week makes a pot. * Selected vegetables should be a total of 5 kg - I only suppress carrots and cauliflower since I like.
5 users
made of this pickle! Was very nice! Is great!
Today I made a 10 liter bucket. Thanks for the recipe! Her comment will try again. :)
which was performed last week and was very nice, but because love is put more acidic vinegar and salt ... thanks for the nice recipe.
Three days only lick wrong and today I finally tried it - very tasty, fresh, and go very quickly, salad. Thanks :)!
Well I while her confused her tried without problem. Enjoy your meal.
Many successful recipe. Thanks to author! Now I am going to stir up again :)
Very tasty pickle, it was incredibly fast.