# For the dough:
egg 1
2 tbsp yogurt
M tbsp sunflower oil
25 g yeast
1 tsp salt
pinch of sugar
600 g flour
# For the filling:
200 g feta cheese
200 g of ham or smoked ham
100 g butter
100 ml sunflower oil
2 tbsp breadcrumbs

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In 300 ml warm water put yeast and a pinch of sugar. Let it rise 10 minutes. Add to other products and Knead a soft dough. Leave to rise. Prepare the filling of crumbled feta cheese and cut into small cubes of ham or ham. Melting the butter with the oil in a small bowl. Rowing of the risen disc of dough a little ball, which slightly flattened and put the filling. Pressuring and immerse in fat. Put down with pressed part in pre-greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs tray. So racked balls leave to rise again as the second rising for a short time. Yeasted buns pour the rest of the fat and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put in the cold oven, then oven includes a strong and bake until ready.
16 users
venivsh, baking pan in which you bake from Jena glass or wrong?I'm not the drought until now pasties in such a baking pan, you do not stick as well and you fired? I apologize for that, but I'm beginners want to know.
For the first time bake dough in a court of Jena glass. I am very pleased. Will now use only such. Greased pan with butter and lightly narasih breadcrumbs. Not stuck. And everything is baked well. But forgot to mention that when baked roast testyano always put in cold oven.
Thank you for the reply, Veni! And I have recently Jena pan and I to try something Test your buns good example. Are wonderful! Bravo!
Yesterday I Paiute ienska dough in bowl (without cover).Is super-visible and otdolo how baked, not glued!
Thank you for the great recipe! Immediately made them and were great!
Congratulations! I am very glad that you like buns and photograph shows that sta become good. Even very well have arranged them in a circle.
I found the time to make buns. Were wonderful! Bravo for the recipe
look fabulous! Bravo
one to him like eating them watching.
made them only with Cheese and were very tasty, definitely give breadcrumbs completion and additional flavor which I liked very much.
All very liked them several times already do them, are super!
How long to bake, I am not never baked buns and sister do not know to check! I Jena baking pan and bake in the ordinary
Especially in my oven roast them for 40 minutes to pinking.
Great recipe. Exactly what I wanted out. I recommend to try with both hands. Bravo Veni recipe.
They became great. All home they liked. I made them only with cheese, but other times I'll try and ham.
are great and are very tasty :) I dobaih little more flour because only 600 grams me a lot Sticky dough.
became divine :)
repeatedly tried and tested recipe, a favorite of my family!
I Paiute Jena in pan 40 minutes at 200C. perfectly baked. Separated from each other very easily!
Last night they kneaded and baked them today, were wonderful, go to Favorites that I will make ...
recipe is great! Today they have prepared and my friend licked his fingers, and I :).
I have prepared them today-very easy to make, are economical and super delicious. Bravo :) Tomorrow I'll get a picture
Veni Bravo! Buns are great! Go to favorites! :)
My husband has long vrankashe me to make him a stuffed buns recipe is wonderful.
I loved doing is easy and great yummy. Thanks for the recipe. :)