150 g walnuts
3 tbsp instant coffee
2 tbsp hot water
2 tbsp dark rum
225 g butter, room temperature
225 g sugar
4 eggs
225 g flour
1 tsp baking powder
# For the cream:
500 ml milk
3 yolks and 1 whole egg at room temperature
150 g sugar
40 g flour
30 g corn starch
1 tsp vanilla essence
80 g cold butter, cut into cubes
extra rum for sprinkling on the bases

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Preheat the oven to 180C. In a Teflon pan, bake for about 10 minutes the walnuts. Cool and grind finely. Divide ground walnuts into two equal parts (one remains for the cream). Dissolve coffee in hot water, stir and add the rum. Allow the liquid to cool. In the meantime, beat the butter with sugar until homogeneous, fluffy. Add eggs and flour, beating constantly - 1 egg, 1 tbsp flour, 1 egg, 1 tbsp flour, etc. to consumption of eggs. Mix remaining flour with baking powder and the walnuts and stirring with a spatula. Mix egg, coffee and flour mixture. The resulting mixture baked together in a pan with a diameter of 22 cm to dry stick, then cool on a wire rack. When completely cool, cut the desired number of bases - me 3 The cream: The milk is heated to boiling. Yolks, egg and sugar is broken down into a thick cream. Add flour and cornstarch. Beat briefly. Them a little, stirring constantly (with the mixer on low speed) is added boiling milk. The mixture is returned to the stove (low heat) and stir with a wire whisk until a very thick cream. It takes about 4 minutes. To add the cream butter lumps at a time. Stir until all lumps are melted and then add the next. Finally flavored with vanilla. Add the walnuts. The cream was cooled to room temperature. Stir occasionally. Been constructing each base sprinkle with rum and cream. Decorate optional.
1 user
For the latter must:
I used two recipes to assemble my option and get incredibly delicious cake with a unique taste of coffee, walnuts and rum. I made two cakes of these three ponds. One cut in half and became a semi-cakes for the birthday of my boy. For the upcoming Christmas holidays is very suitable.
Ljube straight zapriglashtah! Tell me, please, cream tight you going? Can this cake to carry the weight of the ornate decoration or soft? Wow, I feel literally smell ...
Rally, really great taste! The cream is cream muslin, at least according to the recipe you use. I tried to give my source, but I do not fit. From here it is: www. kulinarno-joana. com / 2011/05 / mini-biskviteni-tortichki /Heavy decoration seems to me that it would not bear very heavy, but the best option is to do a small test cakes and to enjoy fully and decide okay for heavy decoration;)
Yes, I at first reading I was imagining it soft and softer. Cake itself see her than a juicy ... should not go hungry here, it's inquisition :) :)
Ponds was very tasty, but I get the cream too thick (maybe I have not measured the flour or starch properly). I have a question: How much rum syrup latter must be? I do not put much because I was afraid that the cake will have a very strong alcohol taste was a little dry.
gkostova04, perhaps the latter must you have left dry because the cream you received thick. It must not be very very thick and then absorbed into the latter must and cream. Glad you tried the recipe and you liked. This is a favorite cake in the country - is not complicated, fast and scary is delicious.