1.5 kg potatoes
350-400 g mayonnaise
5-6 pickles
200 g peas - canned or frozen
6 olives - green or black
1-2 tomatoes or red bell peppers pickled
2 boiled eggs
1-2 carrots pickled or thin slices of cheese
14 steaks thinly sliced salami, preferably Lukankov
parsley or green onions

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If frozen peas are boiled until ready, under the direction of the package. Cook potatoes. Strain potatoes. Divided into three parts. In cutter diameter 24 cm with removable side wall, placed the first part. Spread as a base. Smeared with mayonnaise. 4 chopped cucumbers sprinkled on top. Insert the second part of the smashed potatoes and spread. Smeared with mayonnaise and sprinkle with canned peas. The third part of the potato, which is also smeared with mayonnaise. Remove the side wall. cake reshapes by side and smeared with mayonnaise and garnish with chopped parsley (green onions). Then decorate the top, as shown in the picture (or optional). Washers from salami are folded in two, then another. If you are young, formed directly as cones. Olives cut into halves. Injected is florets of mayonnaise.
1 user
decoration I borrowed from Herrentorte.
great recipe, applauded the guests yesterday, thank you for the nice idea :)
I'm glad you liked the recipe adashke ...;)