250 g puff pastry
8 tbsp crushed biscuits
6 Turkish delight (maybe more)
3 tbsp brown sugar
2-3 apples
2-3 pears
1 tsp cinnamon
20 -30 g butter
powdered sugar for sprinkling

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Roll out the dough slightly. Place in a small pan and forms edge. With a fork to make holes to not inflate the dough in baking. Peel pears and cleaned of seeds. Cut into thin slices and arrange on dough. The sugar is mixed with cinnamon. Pears, sprinkle with half the sugar and half of the ground cookies. Turkish delight is cut into thin strips and place on pears. Apples are peeled and cleaned of seeds. Cut into thin slices and arrange on pears. Sprinkle with the remaining sugar and biscuits. The butter was cut into small pieces (as peas), and placed on apples. Tray covered with foil. Bake in a preheated 170 C oven for 40 minutes. Fthe oil is removed and bake until browning of cookies. Cooled cake sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.
2 users
Tasty and easy. Just for the season - smells of autumn. Goes to favorites.
Oh, Emir, has offered them some sweet delicacies such that one can hardly resist them!
Very tasty dessert and very easy to prepare. Enjoyed by the whole family. melek, thanks for the recipe! Often you will be doing.
Thank Elti. Glad you liked it. In the beginning I did it almost every day :)
Very quick and easy cake. Already twice it was cooking. One time I had biscuits and Turkish delight. Breadcrumbs used by increasing sugar and raisins instead of delight. Again it was delicious, even I liked more with breadcrumbs.