1 chicken (butterfly) - 400 g
200 g cheese
egg 1
3-4 tbsp flour
3-4 tbsp batter or breadcrumbs
salt, pepper
sunflower oil for frying
soy sauce, mustard, garlic sauce or sauce of your choice

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Chicken is boiled, add salt and pepper. Once cool, the meat is chopped very finely, add the grated cheese. Shape is flat bites with strong compression, so that they become solid. Oval consecutively in flour, egg and finally in the breading. Fry in a hot sunflower oil. Serve with a few bowls of sauces (soy sauce, mustard, garlic sauce or another of your choice).
5 users
look superb, will surely do.
Yes, it will be delicious
wonderful recipe with tempting pictures May will try them soon!
Wonderful taste have these bites.
are really delicious. Even very very delicious.
Mmm, yes, marvelous are!
I do such chicken meatballs and many like us :)
Great work! Thanks for the recipe! :)
Half panicked with breadcrumbs, half with sesame, panicked and bites ,, put cheese and stuffed vine leaves, vine leaves and barely kept them until I make photos! Chicken nuggets are very nice, great appetizer for beer and wine. My excellent!
Many were delicious, but it was very difficult to napravya..samo fell apart for me. How not break you?