# For polugorchiv or very dark chocolate:
225 g chocolate
115 g of honey, maybe dark forest honey
# For milk or white chocolate:
225 g chocolate
85 g lighter copper

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Melt the chocolate in a metal bowl over a water bath. Pour honey and stirred with a spatula until mixed. The cup is removed from the steam, stirring, until it is removed from the walls of the bowl. Pastilazhat put in a bag, close tightly and leave in the refrigerator for several hours. Before use, warms in MB. Runtime pastilazhat softens more than body temperature. If this prevents the formation, leave for a few minutes just to rest. suitable for making drawings, and not coating. At room temperature is very hard. Tack free and no need to powder.
0 users
Thank you very much, Raleigh. Will try it.
Very nice roses! Thanks for the recipe. Will try white chocolate.
Thanks from me for the recipe. Rose is very beautiful!