1 onion
1 carrot
5 potatoes
1-2 zucchini
1 tomato
pepper 1
1 cup rice
1 tsp basil
turmeric, curry, salt
about 50 ml sunflower oil
3 cups Water
2 eggs
500 ml milk
3 tbsp flour

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Cleaning, peeling and washing vegetables. Chopped onion and peeled tomatoes and potatoes, peppers and zucchini cut into small cubes and finely grated carrot grater. In bowl pour sunflower oil and slightly stew onion and carrot. Then add pepper, potatoes and zucchini, stir and put a little salt and dill, basil, curry on top of a coffee spoon a little turmeric, stirring. Pour least some water (about 50 ml) and put the lid to smother the dish for 10-something minutes. After strangling add tomatoes and cleaned rice, stir well and vegetables take off from the fire. Pour eating in the pan, add 3 cups water and bake in the oven at 180C degrees. Meanwhile, prepare topping, whisk the eggs, milk and flour until a homogeneous mixture. After poizpari water from eating, but not so that it can remain completely dry, mix topping again and poured on the meal tray. Leave to bake until a nice golden color. The finished dish sprinkle with chopped parsley.
1 user
very suitable for the summer.
Lyubka, great photos added! Thank you! :)