3 egg whites
150 g of powdered sugar
2 tbsp cocoa
200 ml cream
450 g raspberries
30 g of dark chocolate
powdered sugar for sprinkling

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Egg whites are broken down into hard snow. Gradually add powdered sugar - the scoop by scoop - with continuous stirring until the mixture becomes fully tseluvchenata smooth and sugar dissolves. Add the chocolate and stir gently until evenly. In a large, flat pan put foil or baking paper and oil. On fthe oil marked circle with 20 cm diameter circle and pour the mixture - with small spatula in the center is formed deep crater. Bake in preheated to 140-150 C oven for about an hour. Allow to cool for 15 minutes in the oven. Cream and stir if not sweet sweetened to taste. Pour the cream in the middle and cake sprinkled with powdered sugar. Before serving, put on cream raspberries and sprinkle with grated chocolate.
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