100 g walnuts, in large pieces milled or cut
125 g butter
2-3 vanilla
100 g sugar
2 eggs
185 g flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp instant coffee
# For the caramel sauce:
250 ml cream
320 g sugar, best brown
100 g butter, diced
60 ml milk

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The oven is heated to 180 C. Cutters for muffins are coated with butter and put baking paper. At the bottom of each form are placed walnuts. The butter mix with sugar and vanilla very well. Add eggs one at a time. Add flour with baking powder, milk, instant-coffee, stir well and is distributed in the forms. Bake until a toothpick stuck into the muffin did not come out dry. Remove from oven, left for 5-10 minutes to poizstinat then carefully removed from the molds. In a suitable container mix the cream, the sugar and the butter and heat over a not very high heat until melted sugar, but do not boil. Fell to the heat and keep the fire still 9-10 minutes or until the sauce begins to thicken. Muffins are flooded with 2-3 tbsp sauce. The rest of the sauce was cooled and served with muffins.
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